⚡️ The IPO market continues strong as ever with the grey market bouyant in Gujarat. The New Issues commanding handsome premiums are: India Pesticides: Rs. 90-93; Shyam Metalics: Rs.130-133; Dodla Dairy: Rs.90-93; Sona BLW: Rs.3-4; KIMS: Rs.23-25. Readers are warned not to be carried away by such unofficial premia rates as they merely reflect the brokers’ sentiment and are often manipulated to market an IPO.
⚡️ TCS will take over the operational management of Virgin Atlantic Airlines. Although the financial part of the transaction has not yet been disclosed, this is a positive for TCS. Add.
⚡️ DLF has posted strong Q4 FY21 NP at Rs. 477 cr. on strong residential demand against a loss of Rs. 1860 cr. in Q4 FY20. Although FY21 consolidated revenue was lower at Rs. 4385 cr., the current year looks promising. Add.
⚡️ SAIL’s Q4 NP surged 31% to Rs. 3470 cr. due to operational efficiency. The Company posted its highest ever quarterly performance, which makes this stock a good buy.
⚡️ Hinduja Global shares are soaring on talk of stake sale in its healthcare arm. As the share price has trebled from Rs. 716 to Rs. 2528, investors need to be very careful before taking a plunge.
⚡️ A Gujarat based analyst recommends to buy Allied Digital Services, Arihant Capial Markets, Acknit ,Cebbco, Centrum Capital, Century Extrusions, Elecon Engineering, Ganesh Benzoplast, Lambodhara Textiles, Mahalaxmi Rubtech, Panasonic Energ, Pitti Engineering, Religare Enterprises, Singer India, Solitaire Machine Tools and Zee Learn.
⚡️ Deccan Cement’s results confirm the boom in the cement industry. ItsQ4 EPS stood at Rs. 15.76 v/s negative Rs. 1.11 in Q4FY20. FY21 EPS was Rs. 82.19 v/s Rs. 40.44 in FY20, which augurs well for the company. A good buy at current rates.
⚡️ Digital advertising & marketing giant, Brightcom, witnessed buying by strong investors as it posted FY21 EPS of Rs. 8.88 and it is slated to declare dividend on 28th June. Around Rs. 14, this share looks a steal. Buy.
⚡️ Power Finance posted a super FY21 EPS of Rs. 44 v/s Rs. 27 in FY20. Instead of running behind speculative stocks, prudent investors should add this counter for long term gains.
⚡️ Jio has started the field trials of its 5G services. HFCL, which makes equipment for 5G, is one of the best buys. Add.
⚡️ LIC Housing reported a 97% rise in Q4 disbursals. Its FY21 EPS stood at Rs. 54.32 v/s Rs. 47.63 in FY20. An excellent and safe share to add.
⚡️ Satin Creditcare faces hard times on the collection front. Against FY20 EPS of Rs. 28.69 last year, the FY21 EPS was a negative Rs. 2.26. Sell and stay away.
⚡️ Ashok Leyland has acquired Switch Mobility Automotive to boost the electrical vehicle (EV) sector. Add.
⚡️ The pandemic seems to have favored entertainment giant Tips Industries. Its NP shot up from Rs. 11.45 cr to Rs. 43.55 cr, and the EPS jumped from Rs. 7.92 to Rs. 32.72. Add.
⚡️ Power Grid posted an excellent FY21 with NP at Rs. 12,062 cr. v/s. Rs. 10,955 cr. in FY20. The EPS stood at Rs. 23.01 and it declared 1:3 bonus. Add.
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