⚡️ Hi-tech Gears posted strong FY21 turnaround. From a loss of Rs. 2.28 cr. with negative EPS of Rs. 2.75, it posted profits of Rs. 44.10 cr. with an EPS of Rs. 15.34 and declared a dividend of Rs. 2. At around Rs. 292, this share may be added.
⚡️ IRFC reported Q4FY21 EPS of Rs. 1.23 v/s Re. 0.62 in the corresponding quarter last year. For full year too the EPS stood at Rs. 3.68 v/s Rs. 3.02 previous year. Going by current workings, it looks likely that current years EPS may be around Rs. 5/-. A good long term buy.
⚡️ Warren Tea is on a comeback trail with FY21 profit zooming to Rs. 32.45 cr. v/s a loss of Rs. 14.67 cr. Its EPS at Rs. 25.52 calls for a better share price. Buy.
⚡️ A Gujarat based analyst recommends to buy Acknit cum 15% dividend, BCPL Railway Infra cum dividend, Indian Acrylics, IOL Chemicals, JP Associates, JP Power, Jindal Stainless Steel, Mahindra EPC, MK Exim, Pee Cee Cosma Sope cum 30% dividend, Ruby Mills and Vascon Engineers.
⚡️ Dixon Technologies, leading electronic goods contract manufacturer, has received approval for IT hardware manufacturing under the govt’s. PLI scheme. A big boost for the Company. Add.
⚡️ Godrej Consumer’s Q1FY22 witnessed strong business across all segments. The share may be bought on expectations of better results.
⚡️ NMDC has received a LOI for Bailadila iron ore mine spanning 646.596 hectares in the Dantewada Forest Division, Chhattisgarh. A big positive. Accumulate.
⚡️ Morepen Laboratories will soon start production of Sputnik Vaccine in India. This business opportunity will improve its profitability. Accumulate.
⚡️ Redington India, distributor of IT, mobile and allied electronic products, has approved 1:1 bonus and fixed as 20 August 21 as the record date and a dividend of Rs. 11.60 has also been announced. Share price can rise substantially. Add.
⚡️ Equitas Small Finance Bank posted 15% rise YoY in Q1 FY22 lending to Rs. 17,839cr. With a rise in CASA ratio, the bank posted a 162.4% jump in NP to Rs. 112.87 cr. Add.
⚡️ Semiconductor shortage can hamper sales of automobiles. Stay away from Tata Motors.
⚡️ Paper industry is facing rising demand and the anti-China stance is creating a further shortage. It would be prudent to buy J.K.Paper and Star Paper.
⚡️ With double digit volume rise in FMGC goods, both Marico and Godrej Consumer Products can post higher profitability. Add.
⚡️ After touching a price of Rs. 110, Reliance Infra has deeply corrected. Investors may start adding again around Rs. 75.
⚡️ Bombay Super Hybrid Seeds posted excellent results since last few quarters. After its IPO in 2018 around Rs. 60 per share, the company has already made two bonus issues. Buy.
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