⚡️ Wipro’s Q2 profits rose 17.9% (YoY) to Rs. 2930 cr. on a strong demand outlook across sectors and business lines. For the first time its annualized revenue crossed $ 10 bn. The share is a good long term hold.
⚡️ Ujjivan Small Bank’s IPO was oversubscribed 165 times in 2019 and listed at 40% premium is now 44% below the IPO price. The promoters have a strong background and the pandemic is likely to blow away soon. Risk bearing investors may add.
⚡️ In a recent investor presentation, HFCL has stated that it has orders on hand worth Rs. 5822 cr. The Q2 results were also exciting. HFCL must be acquired for big gains.
⚡️ A veteran marketman recommends to buy Accelya Solutions, Basant Agro Tech, Birla Cable, BF Utilities, Den Networks, G R Infraprojects, Hindustan Copper, MK Exim India, Nath Industries, Pressman Advertising, Rubfila International and Rana Sugars.
⚡️ TPG Books along with ADQ of Abu Dhabhi will invest upto Rs. 7500 cr. in the EV business of Tata Motors. This is a good investment opportunity for retail investors but with caution as the share has run up beyond its near time high.
⚡️ Oil is on fire. ONGC can be a big beneficiary as it has a dominant position both in crude and natural gas business. Add.
⚡️ OIL India is another beneficiary of the rising crude oil prices. Some analysts forecast its share price touching Rs. 300 in the next two years. Long term investors may enter.
⚡️ Prominent global investors like Ares SSG, Varde Partners, Cerberus Capital, and Oaktree to form an ARC for YES Bank NPAs. This could be positive for Yes Bank. Add for the long term.
⚡️ Power Finance Corp. has received the coveted Maharatna tag, which gives greater operational and financial autonomy to this PSU. An excellent long-term investment. Buy.
⚡️ TCS has set its sights on $300 bn B2B E-commerce and expects to get all its staff back to office on the back of rising business prospects. This evergreen share deserves a permanent place in a model portfolio.
⚡️ NMDC has been staggering due to weak demand. But with China shutting down many companies due to pollution hazards this winter, it may start rising again. Add.
⚡️ Nazara Technologies is scouting for buys in USA and Europe and expand business in the gaming and sports segments. The share may be added in small quantities.
⚡️ China has cut down on its mobile shipments due to the power shortage. Good opportunity for Dixon Technologies to catch up on sales. Add.
⚡️ The automobile sector is on the rampage again. Demand for tyres is bound to increase. Buy Apollo Tyres.
⚡️ Life Insurers expect higher premia going forward. HDFC Life, SBI Life and ICICI Prudential look good to add.
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