⚡️ Rudra Global Infra posted H1 operating profit of Rs.15.92 cr. v/s loss of Rs.27.09 cr. in H1FY21. It posted the highest TTM sales & profit and is available at attractive valuation around Rs.38. Its all-time high was Rs.260 in 2018.
⚡️ TGV Sraac is into caustic soda, castor derivatives, fatty acid & in captive power. Its expanded caustic soda capacity with high caustic soda prices could lead to bumper sales & profits. It is the cheapest stock compared to its peers. Buy for 50% gain in the short to medium term.
⚡️ Considering the performance of Thirumalai Chemicals, I G Petrochemicals becomes an attractive stock.
⚡️ Kirloskar Ferrous is scaling up quickly on the back of growing demand for pig iron and castings. Its acquisition of ISMT can make things even better.
⚡️ With IT hiring at its peak, Info Edge is the best beneficiary.
⚡️ Hindustan Media Ventures is the leader among daily newspapers in Bihar, U.P, Uttarakhand and Delhi and has posted good Q3 results. The stock is trading at just 7 times to FY22 earnings. Its investments in mutual funds is more than its market cap. Stock may cross Rs. 100 mark in the short term
⚡️ Jindal Saw, a PR Jindal group company, is the market leader in a variety of pipes and pellets catering oil & gas, power generation, irrigation etc. Trading at 6 times to FY 22 earnings, it may give 50% returns within 1 year.
⚡️ NCLT has cleared the path of merger of Lincoln Parenteral Ltd. with parent company Lincoln Pharmaceautcicals, which brings synergy benefits to it. Stock can give short term gains of around 40% from the current level.
⚡️ Anchor companies of the Dhunseri Group, Dhunseri Ventures Ltd and Dhunseri Tea & Industries Ltd are expected to record surprising Q3FY22 results. Impressive short term gains can be expected from these twin shares.
⚡️ NSE listed IT major, Airan Ltd., announced impressive Q3 consolidated results as income rose to Rs.23 cr. with profit of Rs, 2.66 cr from income of Rs.19.6 cr. with NP of Rs.2.43 cr. YoY
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